Twenty Bermudians Achieve American Society of Administrative Professionals Certification of Excellence

 The Minister of Economy and Labour, Jason Hayward, was proud to present administrative professional certificates to 35 Bermudians who completed training on 28th July 2023.

“I am excited to be here today to congratulate the 35 Bermudians who have completed this training. Of these, 20 have already successfully passed the Professional Administrative Certification of Excellence (PACE) Programme exam,” said the Minister, “I am confident that the remaining 15 expected to sit the exam over the coming weeks will also find success.”


Delivered through the American Society of Administrative Professionals (ASAP), a renowned United States administrative professional skills development brand and recognized member of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence, the ASAP provides credentials in the much-needed occupation of experienced administrators. And so, starting 1st May 2023, and held over twelve weeks, the programme participants met weekly at the Department of Workforce Development to master the PACE body of knowledge and extensive study guide from the programme.


As required by employers and in line with industry standards, the programme provided quality training and allowed Bermudians to become certified professional administrators. It also ensures Bermuda has a capable local workforce with the requisite skills, knowledge, experience and certification credentials.


The weekly in-person meetings included group discussions, study guide review, quiz completion, knowledge application and exam-taking strategies. Also, the PACE study guide curriculum covered an extensive range and components of Interpersonal Communication, Task & Project Management, Computer & Internet Technology and Management Skills.


Due to the effort and commitment of the 35 individuals completing the programme, they were prepared to sit the PACE final exam. To that end, 20 participants have already passed the final Exam and obtained their certifications, and the remainder will take it in the coming weeks.


Minister Hwyward continued, “This programme aligns with the Ministry’s Economic Development Strategy, National Re-employment Strategy, Training and Development and Internship Work Placement initiative to foster engagement with employer and industry stakeholders of administrative professionals in the workforce. This training and development programme meets the need for qualified and certified Bermudians in much-needed occupations in the local workforce.


Additionally, internship placement with businesses and employers is a vital component of the PACE programme as it provides the practical application and transferable skills acquired as administrators in the real work environment.”


“And so I am happy to share that upon passing the final exam, ten Bermudians in the programme who were previously unemployed will receive paid work placement and employment opportunities at various small, medium and large businesses across the island.” 


The Department of Workforce Development takes this opportunity to thank its Training Manager, Dr. Patricia Chapman, and the team for their commitment and support in ensuring the success of the Professional Administrative Certification of Excellence Programme. It also extends a special thanks to the American Society of Administrative Professionals study group facilitator and training provider for the PACE programme, Mr. William Spriggs.


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