BHB announced second Baby Born on New Year’s Day

Bermuda Hospitals Board is pleased to announce that there was a second baby born on New Year’s Day 2025. Erris Ahmira Simons arrived at 11:17pm weighing 6lbs 10oz to mother Simiah Caisey and father Errin Simons.

Simiah said Erris is her first daughter and baby sister to 12-year-old brother, Jaiden Simons.

Earlier New Year Day the Bermuda Hospital Board (BHB) announce the birth of Aaryonn Xzavier Smith, the first baby born on New Year’s Day to Dannielle Joell and Boulevard Blazers centre-back Anthony Smith.

Hospital management and staff are celebrating as Danielle is a nurse aide at the hospital. “My due date was actually 17th of January but I have been coming in with pain recently,” she said. “They check me and then release me back home, but yesterday the pain was stronger and when they checked they said it was time,” she recalled.

Father Anthony, focused on the Shield Championship match against Somerset Trojans he was to play in, said he knew Dannielle had come to the hospital but thought it was the usual pains she had been experiencing. The centre-back was on the field by noon in Somerset, and at 1:03pm his son was born. Aaryonn weighed 6lbs 5oz.

“It happened too fast for me to get here for the birth,” he said. “But the whole team was excited. And we won,” he added.

Anthony rode in the traditional winning motorcade to Hamilton with the shield and was dopped off at the hospital to be with Danielle and Aaryonn.

“He is our Boulevard baby,” said his father, “the whole team is behind him.”

BHB CEO & President Scott Pearman noted: “We are delighted that our own Danielle is mom to the first, Generation Beta baby in Bermuda. Babies born this year are the first in a new generation of children that will include all born up to the end of 2039.”

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