“It’s not just about the courts, it’s also about ensuring people understand that we care.”
That’s the word from Senior Magistrate Maxine Anderson, as she spoke with TNN at a Good Friday community event put on for clients from the Drug Treatment Court, the DUI Court and the Mental Health Court.
The annual event was supported by BELCO who provided kite frames which were constructed by clients of the Salvation Army’s Harbour Lights Treatment Programme.
While she could not go into any specifics due to client confidentiality, the Senior Magistrate told TNN, initiatives like this impress upon the clients as well their families, that the courts and programs they administer are here to help and not only to lock people up.
“When punitive action is required we will not hesitate to administer it, but for those who agree to fully participate in the treatment programmes and I stress here, fully participate, the difference is most evident” the Senior Magistrate said.
Ms. Anderson reflected on what she said was a reduced rate of recidivism, as evidence there is buy-in from clients who understand that “working with us can result in positive outcomes.”
“What we are seeing is that when clients are made to understand that they matter, their behaviours change. It will not happen overnight but given time and effort, in most cases, change can occur.”
Ms. Anderson urges individuals who have the opportunity to participate in any of these programmes to embrace it wholeheartedly as the benefits are life changing.
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