The Government advised yesterday of the departure of Mr. Denis Pitcher, who has served as an unpaid consultant for the Economic Development Department.
Mr. Pitcher played a pivotal role in establishing the Fintech Unit, driving the growth of Bermuda’s fintech ecosystem, mentoring Bermudians and public officers, and promoting educational opportunities in the field.
The Premier and Finance Minister, David Burt, expressed his gratitude for Mr. Pitcher’s contributions to Bermuda’s fintech ambitions. He said, “I thank Mr. Denis Pitcher for his service and expertise provided, as he now has made the decision to step away from his volunteer role with the Government. Mr. Pitcher provided great assistance, and knowledge to the Government in helping to advance Bermuda’s Fintech ambitions and facilitated the uptick of the international fintech community in the Bermuda market.
“As he moves on, we have full confidence in the public officers within the Economic Development Department, who have been working with Mr. Pitcher and will continue the great work that is underway already as Bermuda continues to grow as a leader in the digital assets space.”
Mr. Pitcher added, “I would like to thank the Premier and the Government for inviting me to volunteer to help grow and develop the fintech industry in Bermuda. Fintech has reached a place where Bermuda has developed a reputation as having a disciplined and consistent approach which is proving very attractive to reputable players at this stage in the industry’s development. I am proud of the strong pipeline of companies that are on track to get licensed and hope it represents a tipping point for continued sustained growth of the industry.
Unfortunately, my family business has been consuming a great deal of my time of late which has left me without capacity to continue contributing to Fintech. I would like to thank all the colleagues in Government that I worked with on Fintech and wish them all the best in continuing to grow the industry.”
Government remains committed to advancing its fintech agenda and is confident in the continued progress and success of its Economic Development Department.
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