Randy Horton Believes Cooperation is Key to Addressing Issue of Violence.
Former PLP MP and former Speaker of the House from 2012 to 2017, and high school Principal, Mr. Kenneth Randolph Horton, believes that Bermuda is facing a real crisis with deaths of our young black men on the island, whether it be through gun or knife violence or road traffic fatalities.
He believes that one of the solutions to the violence crisis is being hands-on with the young men when they are still in high school, rather than simply telling them what they should and should
not do.
“ These young people are not doing what they are doing because they really want to; but in many cases they have no choice because they have not been brought up to respect the norms that we consider to be good,” Mr. Horton said. “ The leaders have a lot of work on their hands and cannot simply stand off from that, they have to get in the mix to better understand why they’re doing what they’re doing.”
The former Speaker reflects back to when he was Minister for Public Safety (now the Ministry of National Security) and a young man brought a group of people to the island to meet and talk with young black men and their families and help them fight the issue of violence.
“ No one person or one minister can [tackle this issue alone], but what the Premier and his Cabinet can do is encourage people to get involved,” he said. “ We have to have leadership so that people can see the importance and necessity of getting involved [to face the problem head-on].”
” We each one of us that calls this Island home must get involved, the government, churches, businesses community and social clubs and the people of Bermuda has to come together to save our young black men, something needs to be done NOW.”
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