RoseAnn Davis realized while she was working at the Ministry of Public Works that she did not possess a postsecondary degree or certificate of any kind. To try and change this, she approached H.R. manager Denise Davis and asked what she should do. Ms. Davis suggested that she try accounting.
“ I do not like math, so I definitely did not want to pursue it [when she suggested it],” Ms. Davis said. “ However, after digging deep inside and believing in myself, I decided to try it. After all, the least that I can do is fail.”
After passing bookkeeping, Ms. Davis enrolled in the Bermuda College’s accounting technician course, all while working at four different jobs.
“ My teacher Gwendolyn Lawrence encouraged me to never lose sight, as well as Minister of Public Works the Honorable Cnel David Burch, JP, MP,” she explained. “ I have now graduated from that course with merits and look forward to starting My Associate’s Degree in August.”
As mentioned before, Ms. Davis’ certification did not come without its fair share of obstacles and challenges along the way, including the loss of her nephew last week. But, she would like to tell people that if she can achieve her goals, anybody can, no matter what the setback or obstacle might look like.
“ Sometimes, you have to use the obstacles in your life and all the people who have said that you can’t do it as your footstool,” she said. “ When it is finally said and done, it is the best feeling ever. I can definitely say that today, I am a winner.”
Being one of the oldest students in her class, Ms. Davis was motivated by a lot of her classmates and hopes that she encouraged them in some way through her personal and academic journey.
“ I would certainly tell students to push through it, because the results will be awesome,” she said.
After finishing her Associate’s Degree at Bermuda College, Ms. Davis hopes to one day become a certified chartered accountant.
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