Bermudian Wenda-Kae Williams, who was in Boston for medical reasons, arrived in Bermuda today via JetBlue with some members of her family.
Prior to her arrival, Ms. Williams and her family have had a very hard time with the travel authorization forms and in her opinion, the Department of Health need to sort those issues out as soon as possible.
“ My sister had tried to call [the Health Department] from 8 a.m to 8 p.m, trying to get someone to assist us in our authorization papers, and we could not get anybody,” Ms. Williams said. “ We had to go around people to help us get our paperwork in order . . . This process is really unfair to people.”
If she and her family did not receive a response in time, then Ms. Williams’ mom’s husband would most likely have had to stay at a hotel by himself at his own expense.
But, Ms. Williams and her family consider themselves somewhat lucky, because according to her, another family who was experiencing the same issues was put off of the flight that she was on due to not having all of their required paperwork.
“There are a lot of medical patients, especially in Boston, who are having issues trying to get back home, so I consider this to be a very big problem,” Ms. Williams said.
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