Racial Epithet Uttered at Private School

Racial Epithet Uttered at Private School
Last week, a student at Saltus Grammar School said the N-word multiple times around or at two black students, a concerned mother who will remain anonymous said.

According to the mother, her child told the teacher and an incident report was filed. After an intervention, the student was asked to apologize to her child.

However, a letter sent home with
her read that the school would not take this incident lightly and they plan to take further action.

“ The student who said the remark received a detention and he and the other two students who coerced the student each received one day in-school suspensions,” she explained. “ I feel this is a serious issue along the lines of what is happening today across the world and I don’t like how the school is being hush-hush about it.”

The mother is still awaiting a call from the teacher who was present when the incident occurred. When asked for comment, Saltus Response from the principal was:

We at Saltus take racial epithets very seriously and we have inclusion statements and diversity and inclusion committees and prefects.

The parents of the student who used such language will be contacted right away and we work with students and parents on preventative measures to avoid that kind of behavior.


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