Government House has announced the appointment of Mr Michael DeSilva as the next Ombudsman of Bermuda. Mr DeSilva will succeed Ms Victoria Pearman, whose term of office expires on 16 March 2022.
This appointment follows an open and competitive recruitment process and a recommendation received from the advisory panel established to interview the candidates.
The Governor, Ms Rena Lalgie, said: “I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mr DeSilva as the next Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is a role fundamental to good governance and fairness, giving the members of the public a means of resolving problems which may crop up in dealing with the public service – and where necessary holding systems to account. Mr DeSilva’s commitment to public service, experience and extensive qualifications will stand him in good stead for the job’s challenges and responsibilities.”
Mr DeSilva said: “I am very grateful to Her Excellency the Governor and her advisory panel for their confidence to appoint me as the Ombudsman for Bermuda. I am honoured by this unique and exciting opportunity to return to public service. I plan to continue the work of my accomplished predecessors who built the office’s solid reputation of providing complaint resolutions that are independent, impartial, and fair.”
The Governor said: “Ms Pearman has been a remarkable and impressive Ombudsman. I am extremely grateful for her service. She has maintained widespread respect for the office here and earned high regard among the wider Ombudsman community in the Commonwealth and beyond, gaining respect for Bermuda as well. “
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