A Ministry of Home Affairs Spokesperson can advise, “The Fishermen’s Association of Bermuda (FAB) themselves drafted and provided the Ministry with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the Government fully supported and committed to it in an effort for them to rejoin the process. Furthermore, the Government met all obligations and was in agreement with the FAB on the items outlined in the final draft of the MOU.”
“It is most disappointing that despite the Ministry of Home Affairs making every effort to fulfil the requests made by the general membership of the FAB to finalise a MOU and proceed to work together to protect Bermuda’s waters, they have chosen to withdraw their support and not participate in the process.
“The Ministry has complete confidence in the Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme process, their work thus far, and the work that the hardworking team at DENR do to protect our environment. However, despite our best effort, the FAB has again withdrawn its support.
“And so, despite this turn of events, in the interest of the people of Bermuda, it is the Government’s role and responsibility to ensure the sustainable use and protection of our most valuable asset for current and future generations of Bermudians.
“To that end, the Government remains committed to an integrated strategy to enhance the management of the island’s entire Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) through improved management, enforcement and legislation, and the process will continue unabated. Members of the fishing community remain welcome to participate, and we will proceed with the BOPP process and come to a fair solution that will benefit the fishermen, other key stakeholders and the people of Bermuda.”
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