Bermuda Day 2021 saw a return of Chris Estwanik to the starting line, with the early morning temperature of 73 degrees and a not too high level of humidity, Friday May 28 provided almost ideal conditions for runners in the 111th Bermuda Day Half Marathon Derby.
It was the first derby in two years and the first big running event on the island since the Coronavirus pandemic hit Bermuda’s shores
After starting in St. George’s neck and neck with fellow race winner Lamont Marshall, veteran runner Chris Estwanik took the overall title once again this morning in his first Bermuda Day Half Marathon since 2015, leaping across the finish line at 1:10:28.
“ I get the same chills on the back of my neck when I see and hear the crowds [that I did when I started this years ago],” Mr. Estwanik said shortly after winning. “This has been a tough, tough time for the world and the island especially and we all have things that we like to enjoy. This [event and holiday] is right at the top of the list and I’m grateful to be just a small part of it.”
Lamont Marshall finished second in a time of 1:13:01 and Sammy Degraff came in third place with a time of 1:16:08.
“ I knew I was fit enough that, if I went out with [Estwanik and Marshall], I could still hold it together,” Mr. Degraff said. “ I had fun and enjoyed it overall and thought the crowd was good, despite the pandemic.”
Rose-Anna Hoey was the first female runner to finish, with a time of 1:25:25; winning for the third time.
“It feels fantastic to win here again, with my husband, son and even the Premier supporting me,” she said. “I would like to thank Mr. Burt and his government for this event going ahead and wish everyone a Happy Bermuda Day.”
Ashley Estwanik finished second for the women, clocking in at 1:29:00 and Gail Lindsay came in third, not too far behind Ms. Estwanik.
“ I was very surprised by the amount of supporters out there, it gave me goosebumps,” Ashley Estwanik said. “ It’s great to be back on the roads and I’m happy not to be injured.”
Photo courtesy of RG/ Blaire Simmons
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