The Human Rights Selection and Appointment Committee for Bermuda has confirmed the appointment of Human Rights Tribunal Panel Members for the 2022-2025 term.
A spokesperson said, “For the first time, the role of the Selection and Appointment Committee provides an opportunity for the implementation of recent amendments to Bermuda’s human rights legislation, which created a separation between the Human Rights Tribunal and the Human Rights Commission, marking a significant step in ensuring that Bermuda has a truly independent Human Rights Tribunal to safeguard human rights.”
In accordance with Section 17A of and Schedule 3 to the Human Rights Act 1981, as amended (Act), the Selection and Appointment Committee has the statutory authority to appoint a panel of not less than 12 persons and not more than 15 persons to serve as members of the Tribunal. The Selection and Appointment Committee members are Ms. Chiara Nannini, Mr. Dennis Pimentel, Ms. Cherie Dill, and Senator Robin Tucker and led by the Head, Mr. Seth Darrell.
Mr. Seth Darrell, Head of the Selection and Appointment Committee remarked, “On behalf of my fellow committee members, I am pleased to confirm that Human Rights Tribunal panel members have been empaneled for the 2022-2025 term to adjudicate complaints referred to them by the Executive Officer of the Office of the Human Rights Commission.
Human Rights (as enshrined in both the Bermuda Constitution Order 1968 and the more recent anti-discrimination framework promulgated by the Human Rights Act, 1981, as amended), are an omphalic pillar of our community. As such, the Selection and Appointment Committee sought to attract a dedicated and capable group of persons reflective of Bermuda’s community to serve as a steward of human rights for Bermuda and her residents. The Selection and Appointment Committee adhered to the well-established appointment standards for National Human Rights Institutions (based on guidance set out by the United Nations under the ‘Paris Principles’), which fosters a public and inclusive application process ensuring an independent and impartial selection process.”
The following individuals have been appointed to serve as members of the Tribunal for the 2022-2025 term:
Christina Herrero, – Tribunal Panel Chairperson
Steven White, – Tribunal Panel Deputy Chairperson
Julia Aidoo-Saltus, Tribunal Panel Member
Fiona Bada, Tribunal Panel Member
Elaine Butterfield, Tribunal Panel Member
Malcolm Clarke, Tribunal Panel Member
Christopher Cunningham, Tribunal Panel Member
Dawn Eversley, Tribunal Panel Member
Sita Ingram, Tribunal Panel Member
LeVince Roberts, Tribunal Panel Member
Casey Schuler, Tribunal Panel Member
Claire van Overdijk, Tribunal Panel Member
James Webster, Tribunal Panel Member
Mr. Seth Darrell, further remarked, “We were best pleased by the level of public engagement and the diverse group of persons, both new and previous applicants, who lodged applications to serve such a critically important quasi-judicial role. This is a tremendous opportunity and a tremendous responsibility to be a stalwart of Bermuda’s human rights institution, meaningfully steering the protection and promotion of human rights in Bermuda for all her residents.”
Mr. Darrell continued, “We wish to convey whole-hearted thanks to each applicant who expressed interest and espoused commitment to shepherding the protection of human rights in Bermuda.”
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