After a lengthy delay due to issues with the manufacturing and shipping chains, a new uniform will finally be rolled out for Bermuda Police Service, (BPS), officers working patrol duties.
Whilst the BPS ha ins recent years issued “fatigues” uniforms to specialist units, including, Marine Police, Forensic Support (FSU), Public Order Unit and others, this is the first new uniform to be routinely worn by Patrol officers in around 40 years.
Assistant Commissioner of Police, (ACOP), Martin Weekes, the Service lead for Uniform policing said, “When I joined the Bermuda Police Service in the 1980’s, I was issued a uniform and the uniform I am wearing today, apart from a few minor alterations, has not changed. However, the job of a patrol constable has significantly evolved in that time, including the wearing of the protective stab vest over the uniform and all of the equipment a patrol officer is expected to carry.”
Recognising that there is duty of care to ensure the safety and health of officers, a committee was established to consider bringing our uniforms up to date by looking at best practice overseas. With the current uniform having been based on the United Kingdom, (UK), police uniforms of the past, the BPS looked closely at the uniforms currently used by UK police forces.
The new patrol uniform is based on the uniform issued to all UK forces and include dry wicking trousers, shirt and a soft shell jacket with police markings. The only difference from the standard UK uniform is that the BPS shirt will be in our corporate blue colour, rather than the black favoured by UK Forces. All materials are “dri-fit” wicking materials suitable for Bermuda’s climate and designed specifically to be worn under the protective vest. The uniforms are also separately designed specifically to fit both male and female officers.
ACOP Weekes added, “The BPS would like to reassure the public that whilst the uniforms have been brought up to date for patrol officers, the new uniform is still easily recognisable as police uniform and will be worn with the traditional “Bobby” Helmet or flat cap. Additionally, those officers not assigned to patrol duties will continue to wear the more traditional police uniform, but, will gradually move to use some of the components of the new uniform, including the new black trousers and the marked soft shell jacket which will replace the blue NATO wool sweater.”
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