The City of Hamilton advises motorists, area businesses and the general public that a section of Front Street will be reduced to one lane traffic.
The eastbound lane, starting from the Supermart building to the area at Seon Place, will be closed due to road paving, commencing Monday, February 20th to March 10th.
Works will start each morning at 6:00 am and finish at 4:00 pm from Monday February 20th until March 10th, 2023, noting the schedule may be extended due to weather delays. No parking will be permitted in the area except at the Number 8 car park.
Westbound traffic will be unimpeded, except during the hours of 4:00pm to 6:00pm, when traffic management personnel will be in place to assist with the flow of traffic. Eastbound traffic will be diverted north onto Court Street except during the hours of 4:00pm to 6:00pm during which time traffic management personnel will be in place.
A traffic notice has been issued and members of the public are encouraged to exercise caution in the area and to avoid Front Street where possible. Signage and barriers will be in place to assist with traffic management.
City Engineer and COO, Patrick Cooper, says of the upgrades “We’d like to thank members of the public for their ongoing patience during our road paving maintenance schedule. These paving works are necessary to allow for the City to maintain high-quality infrastructure. We have purposely scheduled these road works to take place during the off- season where it has less of an impact on traffic.
We have also taken into account that conducting these works on the weekend or after hours will cost considerably more.”
The next scheduled road paving works will be conducted on sections of Court Street. Traffic notices will be posted.
The City apologizes for any inconvenience caused by these necessary upgrades and encourages employers and businesses to use creative solutions to help reduce traffic congestion in the city during this time period.
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