In December of last year, sports coach Kenneth Thompson entered a few boys into the Medio Goal Cup in Spain.
As soon as she heard about this undertaking, Western Stars Sports Club member Nina Webb knew that certain funds had to be raised and asked if she could help host a fundraising raffle
event under the club’s youth umbrella.
“ At the end [of the fundraiser], four boys benefited from the raffle,” Ms. Webb said. “ The boys’ names are Kaylen Brunson from PHC, Saatchi Trott from Crossroads and Z’Ani Jennings and
Brayton Browne, both from North Village . . . Two boys were unable to go to Spain because of the vaccination changes, but that money is held by Western Stars to be used for future ventures for those two players.”
A total of $1195 was donated through the raffle fundraiser, for whatever the club chose to use it for.
Ms. Webb cannot thank Western Stars enough and believes that they are so much more than a club; they are indeed a club’s club who make the community better and extend their open arms
to everyone.
According to Ms. Webb, the young players did extremely well in Spain and Brayton Browne even scored a couple of goals during the tournament.
“ It’s always a pleasure working with Kenny Thompson, because he exposes these boys to international play, international coaches and opportunities open up for them every time that he
takes them away,” Ms. Webb said. “ The Medio Goal Cup is extended to him and whichever boys he brings with him every year.
Ms. Webb’s own son participated in the same tournament a few years ago, before the pandemic occurred and was invited to participate again last year.
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