The Walk-a-Mile With your Child event, held yesterday evening in Hamilton, had many fathers in attendance with their children. One of those fathers was Minister for the Cabinet Office the
Honorable Wayne Furbert, JP, MP.
Minister Furbert actually participated in the event without his children, as they are both grown up now.
However, as soon as he heard about this event sponsored by the Hamilton Rotary Club, he thought it was a fantastic idea and was looking forward to participating in it.
Mr. Furbert urges people to encourage children and lift them up whenever they can, especially ones in the community who may not have fathers in their lives.
“ The idea of some of our children not having father figures around means that family members have to unite and gather around those children,” he explained.
“ We cannot afford to allow our children to run loose by themselves . . . so we have to make sure that they have the ability to
grow and encourage them to be something bigger and better than what they are right now.
Whether we start at home, school or in the church, we have to make sure that our kids make it during this time.”
After the event, Hamilton Rotary Club President-Elect Rick RIchardson announced that the club is planning to adopt a school, where students will receive technical and STEM training. The
school and other details about the program will be announced around July 1, when Mr. Richardson could take over as president of the club.
“ We wanted to go ahead with this walk [yesterday] because we have a number of other initiatives that we now want to follow through with,” he said. “ The attendance was split up a bit for this week, but people still came out.”
Mr. Richardson also thanked Premier Health and the Bermuda Heart Foundation for providing great giveaway prizes at the event and the rotary club looks forward to working more with them in the future.
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