Producers of the documentary, Victory-the story behind the Island-wide strike of 1981, have scheduled a special screening of the documentary for this week Friday, June 30th as a tribute to the late Labour icon Hon Ottiwell Simmons.
Producer Rick Richardson noted that the screening will give the family of the great man an opportunity to see and hear some of Mr. Simmons’ most strident and effective speeches during the labour crises of 1981.
Mr. Richardson said the documentary will show just why the charismatic leader commanded such respect and admiration from the community at-large.
The documentary will air at 7pm on Friday June 30th at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute, and many of Mr. Simmons’ grandchildren and great grandchildren who have been residing overseas will see historical footage of the mass gatherings at EF Gordon Square, and the Devonshire Recreation Club.
The late BIU leader will be seen addressing those gatherings in the face of legal threats and warnings from the Government leaders of the day.
Organizers note that there will be a limited number of tickets on sale at the Bermuda Industrial Union headquarters. The price for admission is $25.
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