At a time when so many of our people are struggling, the OBA is exploiting the struggles and challenges of Bermudians.
The OBA, out of one side of their mouth, says they care about struggling Bermudians. Yet. out the other side of their mouth, they and their supporters ridicule and demean Bermudian civil servants and call for them to be forced into unemployment.
Out of one side of their mouth, the OBA says they care about the struggles of Bermudians, while out of the other side of their mouth, they advocate for opening the immigration floodgates without any regard for protecting the legitimate hopes and aspirations of Bermudians.
Out of one side of their mouth ,the OBA says they care about struggling Bermudians, while out the other side of their mouth they and their supporters have spoken out against the PLP bringing forward a living wage, modernization of financial Assistance to help more Bermudians in need and get help to those who need it faster,
Tougher labour laws to protect Bermudian workers.
The OBA say they care about struggling Bermudians. Yet they repeatedly speak out against PLP initiatives designed to put more money in Bermudians’ pockets, protect Bermudian workers, and take on the greed that is driving up the cost of living.
The reality is that the OBA wants the votes of struggling Bermudians, but doesn’t want to actually help these same Bermudians.
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