The Swearing -in of Mr. Andrew Murdoch as Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Bermuda

Chief Justice, Cabinet colleagues, Leader of the Opposition, ladies and gentlemen; good morning.

Governors have been appointed to Bermuda since the early 17TH Century. We have had soldiers, politicians, senior civil servants, privateers and even one said to have been
elected by the people.

Your Excellency, your appointment coincides with interesting times locally and abroad. These times will not affect the natural warmth of Bermuda’s people, and I am certain that you will find such a welcome here.

You have committed to getting to know this community and I can assure you that the resilience, kindness and pride about which you will have read is real and is embedded among the people. The mandate of our constitutional arrangement is for Governor and Government to work together.

We come to our positions by different means, but our work is enhanced when we share common goals. Those common goals encourage a synergy in the relationship that sees us work together, respecting our differences but not allowing them to detract from our service to the people.

Your Excellency, your resume suggests that Bermuda will suit you well. As a sailor and a lawyer, you will find no shortage of compatriots on those fronts, and both are things we do well here in Bermuda.

Welcome to Bermuda and I look forward to working with you in the best interests of Bermuda and her people.

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