Senator DeCouto’s repeated challenges to the authority of the President of the Senate are disturbing.
This is not the first time he has been found to flout the rules, and has run to the media complaining that the Senate rules also apply to the OBA.
Like the last time he did this in May, his complaint is baseless and without merit. The Senate President clearly ruled that the questions posed by Senator DeCouto were “Out of Order” under the rules of the Senate, and ruled that they needed to be re-submitted in the proper fashion.
What Sen DeCouto did not tell the media is that he followed the Senate President’s instruction and has re-submitted the questions as directed. Those questions will be answered according to the rules of the Senate.
The rules apply to everyone, including the OBA, and attempting to circumvent and disrespect those rules through this kind of political grandstanding is troubling. But it is par for the course for Senator DeCouto and the OBA, who, when they don’t get their way, run to the media to level false attacks in the hope of garnering a media story.
The OBAs tactics seem to resemble those of Donald Trump. Create an issue where one doesn’t exist, and manufacture false stories seeking headlines. Thankfully, the voters know who the OBA are, and will see right through their endless political games.
Yesterday in the Senate the PLP Government increased Seniors’ pensions for the 7th time in 7 years. Those are the issues the voters care about, and the PLP will remain focussed and will continue to deliver for Bermudians.
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