- Why are you keeping your platform hidden until February 6? Ours has been out since last September. What are you hiding? Are you still working on it? You are the government, did you not know and election was coming?
- With the recent resignations from your caucus, do you have a full slate of candidates? Your website shows 30 candidates. It was the PLP who called an election without a full slate of candidates? Didn’t you know that you were going to call an election?
- Reducing the cost of living which has skyrocketed under the PLP
- Improving our public education system so that our children receive a world-class education without having to go to private schools or leave the island
- Repairing our crumbling infrastructure so that our roads are safe, our garbage can be incinerated safely and our bridges don’t fall into the ocean
- Ensuring that we have enough police and resources to keep our island safe and to reduce the dangers of gangs, guns and drugs which are a menace to our community
- Empowering our economy so that some of the 6,000 Bermudians who have fled the country can come back and ensuring that the three quarters of us who are considering leaving, don’t
The PLP only has tired, old political attacks, because it is bankrupt of ideas. It has nothing new to fix the unbelievably long list of things that they have screwed up. The OBA is ready to govern. We have the team, and a published platform that will turn things around and make Bermuda the best place in the world to live, work, play go to school and raise a family.
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