The OBA is still Out of Touch! says PLP Public Relations Officer

Doug De Couto and the OBA will say anything to distract from the fact that they cannot match the
progress the PLP has made for workers, families, and a fairer Bermuda.

Our policies are delivering real relief to Bermudians and addressing the issues that matter most. We’ve reduced payroll taxes for 86% of workers and every local business, expanded childcare assistance to hundreds of families, increased pensions for seniors and reduced energy taxes by 60%. These actions
aren’t just numbers on a page; they are real, tangible benefits making life easier for hardworking Bermudians.

While De Couto and the OBA try to cherry-pick the FRP report, this Government will deliver Bermuda’s first budget surplus in 21 years. The PLP supports the Government’s decision to use the sinking fund to freeze health insurance premiums for the third consecutive year saving each person $540 annually.

Next year the PLP will improve HIP & FutureCare to include one free primary care and specialist visit a year to ensure that co-pays do not prevent Bermudians from accessing the preventative or specialist care they need.

The OBA doesn’t understand fairness because their policies have never been about helping everyday Bermudians. Their legacy is bad deals and neglect.

The PLP’s pre-budget report lays out our plan to reduce taxes further to ensure all Bermudians can feel relief. Bermudians should take note that the person the OBA wants to be Minister of Finance doesn’t believe that we should reduce land taxes, vehicle licencing fees, mobile phone taxes, and customs duty. If that is really his view, then it is clear the OBA is just as out of touch today as they were when they proposed reintroducing the TA fee and taxing healthcare.
Bermudians deserve leadership that looks out for them. The PLP is committed to reducing costs, creating opportunities, and ensuring fairness for all—not just the privileged few.

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