The MarketPlace today announced that its latest round-up campaign has raised nearly $23,000 to support the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
Customers across the island supported The MarketPlace charity round-up to raise money which will be delivered directly to Caritas Ukraine in Kiev, supporting its humanitarian mission to bring aid and supplies to the region, in collaboration with the Diocese of Hamilton in Bermuda. Customers donated a total of $22,987.51 over the 14-day in-store campaign.
Due to the success of this fundraising campaign and customer feedback, The MarketPlace will extend the round-up in support of Ukraine until July 1. The MarketPlace is constantly working to meet the diverse needs of our local communities through a variety offerings and initiatives, such as previous round-up campaigns, the ongoing three-times weekly 5% discount, a bi-weekly ad programme, and a signature monthly cost-saving programme: Every Day Low Prices (EDPL).
Seth Stutzman, President of the MarketPlace group of stores, said: “Thank you so much to our customers for your incredible generosity. The news that continues to come out of Ukraine has surprised and saddened us all. It’s inspiring to see our local communities come together to support the many Ukrainians in need. We considered it only fitting to extend the round-up after receiving such positive feedback from customers.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine, as well as everyone in Bermuda who has relatives there. We applaud our communities’ support of Caritas Ukraine in Kiev.”
Most Reverend Wieslaw ‘Wes’ Spiewak, Bishop of the Diocese of Hamilton in Bermuda, said: “It is simply beautiful to see the Bermuda community who are facing hardship themselves rallying together to support the many Ukrainians so desperately in need of aid and supplies. Caritas Ukraine has helped more than 1.4 million Ukrainians in the first two months of the war, thanks to donations from all over the world. When we all come together as one, we truly create something wonderful.”
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