Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Extended to 30 November 2022

The Ministry of Economy and Labour is aware of individuals and families that continue to need financial support. It is incumbent on this Government to ensure they can keep a roof over their heads and put food on the table. To that end, the Supplementary Unemployment Benefit (SUB) has been extended to 30 November 2022.

Individuals receiving benefits as of 31 August 2022 will be contacted by a Department of Financial Assistance representative and need not reapply. All others in need are encouraged to apply online by visiting and completing the Supplemental Unemployment Benefits application. Hardcopy application packages are not available.

The Ministry can advise that since its inception in September 2020 to 31 August 2022, payments totalling $2,818,751 have been made to individuals. Furthermore, the total benefit and health insurance payments, coupled with the administrative cost for the SUB, amount to $3,006,899.

“As we move beyond the pandemic toward greater economic stability,” said the Minister of Economy and Labour, Jason Hayward, “the Ministry of Economy and Labour will continue leveraging policies within its remit that support the reintegration of all Bermudians into the local economy. I anticipate that the need for financial support will decline as our economy continues to strengthen.”

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