On Friday, January 5, 2024, MPs Renee Ming and Lovitta Foggo, together with MP Derrick Burgess joined the East End Transit Group, the White Horse Tavern Restaurant, and the Tobacco Bay staff as they made a significant contribution to some of the Parish rest homes in the eastern area.
The East End Transit group, as we call them consist of Mr. David Bell, Mr. Chips Walker and Mr. Eddie Tuckett, to name a few. Others who couldn’t be present on the day, like their colleagues, believe in giving back to their community.
The group, which is well invested in the health and wealth of St. George’s agreed to make weekly savings, which they pooled at the end of the year to purchase much needed equipment for the Parish homes. The rest homes were each awarded with portable oxygen tanks and a new patient bed.
There to receive the gifting for their respective homes were Mrs. Judith Jones (Dorothy Crane Nursing Home), Ms. D. Chase (Sylvia Richardson Care Facility), and Ms. Deborah Lowe (House of Esther). The presentation took place at the White Horse Tavern Restaurant.
White Horse proprietor, Mr. Dennie O’Connor was more than happy to be associated with the community-give-back.
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