Several people appeared in Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, May 6 for allegedly breaching COVID-19 curfew regulations. The dates of the alleged breaches ranged from Sunday, January 31 to Sunday, February 14th.
Ian Hughes pleaded guilty to breaching curfew, and was ordered by Magistrate The worshipful Tyrone Chin to pay a $3000 fine by Thursday, June 3.
Asah Robinson also pleaded guilty to breaching curfew. Since she was coming back from driving her friends home, she was ordered to pay a less substantial fine of $1500 by Thursday, June 3.
Renesha Hill also pleaded guilty to breaching curfew and was ordered to pay a $2000 fine by the same date.
On the other hand, Tyler McGlaskin and Olivia Washington pleaded not guilty to allegedly breaching the curfew. Magistrate Chin adjourned the case until Monday, June 7 for mention and disclosure.
The last people who pleaded guilty to breaching curfew were Sandra Bicho, Luis Bicho, Maria Aguiar, Rui Mendes and Miguel Bicho, all of whom were seen in one car after curfew hours. Despite Luis offering to take full responsibility for the breach (since all five of them were coming from his 50th birthday party on February 14), all five were charged.
Since most of these individuals are currently unemployed, Magistrate Chin ordered that they all return to Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, July 1 to discuss their eligibility to complete community service hours. He released each of them on $1000 bale until that time.
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Several people appeared in Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, May 6 for allegedly breaching COVID-19 curfew regulations. The dates of the alleged breaches ranged from Sunday, January 31 to Sunday, February 14th.
Ian Hughes pleaded guilty to breaching curfew, and was ordered by Magistrate The worshipful Tyrone Chin to pay a $3000 fine by Thursday, June 3.
Asah Robinson also pleaded guilty to breaching curfew. Since she was coming back from driving her friends home, she was ordered to pay a less substantial fine of $1500 by Thursday, June 3.
Renesha Hill also pleaded guilty to breaching curfew and was ordered to pay a $2000 fine by the same date.
On the other hand, Tyler McGlaskin and Olivia Washington pleaded not guilty to allegedly breaching the curfew. Magistrate Chin adjourned the case until Monday, June 7 for mention and disclosure.
The last people who pleaded guilty to breaching curfew were Sandra Bicho, Luis Bicho, Maria Aguiar, Rui Mendes and Miguel Bicho, all of whom were seen in one car after curfew hours. Despite Luis offering to take full responsibility for the breach (since all five of them were coming from his 50th birthday party on February 14), all five were charged.
Since most of these individuals are currently unemployed, Magistrate Chin ordered that they all return to Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, July 1 to discuss their eligibility to complete community service hours. He released each of them on $1000 bale until that time.
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