Seri Fisher aged 14 won 5 medals at two high class championships events in Daytona Florida, when competing in the 14 to 17 age group that included two 18 years old allowed in.
This was Seri first competition as a brown belt and had to compete higher ranked brown / black stripe. Numerous countries took part, in this world class event. 8 rings were required for completion due to numbers.
The sole Bermudian entry won a silver in traditional weapons ( Bermudian star, and champion Sensei Talia Iris taught this Kata ) only bested by an 18 year young man in the Elite World Championships.
Seri proceeded to earn a gold in traditional forms in a split decision 2:1
Seri’s final Elite event was in creative weapons. This result was so close it required a judges conference resulting in a silver medal.
A gold and two silvers represented her best day ever.
USA sports championship saw Seri come away with what she considered her best ever performance with a bronze medal, against many higher ranked older players even though her first time ever out of the first two places, it was her most satisfying result.
Last event saw a 4th against 9 in the traditional forms her kata was shorter than some who also exhibited a more complicated kata, however Seri’s precision, strength and form won the day
Respect and gratitude to local dojo Zenji Ryu with Sensei’ Roots Phillips, Randy Darrell and Talia Iris. Together with original Sensei Harto’s Arnold Allen.
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