Senior Magistrate, the Worshipful Maxanne Anderson, has called for the establishment of a Juvenile Treatment Court. The Senior Magistrate’s comments are contained in the Bermuda Judiciary Annual Report. Here are her comments in full.
The Juvenile Treatment Court Pilot is designed to address the needs of young offenders identified as having problems with drugs/alcohol and/or suffering from mental health diagnosis.
It is to provide intervention, structure and treatment in the lives of young offenders through regular monitoring, family engagement and by providing skills to assist them in leading productive substance-free and crime-free lives.
The establishment of a Juvenile Treatment Court is a critical initiative for our community, aiming to address the unique needs of young individuals involved in the justice system.
While the necessity of such a court is evident, we have encountered challenges in securing comprehensive engagement and commitment from all stakeholders, resulting in the court’s current non-operational status.
It is imperative that we revisit the establishment of the Juvenile Treatment Court Pilot, with the objective of making it a reality in 2025. This court would provide an evidence-based, treatment-oriented approach that emphasizes family engagement and addresses substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders among our youth.
Implementing such a court would not only offer an alternative to traditional punitive measures but also align with best practices observed in other jurisdictions.
By prioritizing the establishment of the Juvenile Treatment Court, we can provide a rehabilitative pathway for young offenders, thereby fostering their reintegration into society and reducing recidivism.
This initiative would reflect our commitment to justice and the well-being of our youth, ensuring that they receive the support and guidance necessary to lead productive lives.
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