A 31-year-old man has been mandated to attend anger management classes following a violent confrontation on the road. Dakari White appeared in Magistrates’ Court yesterday, where he pleaded guilty to charges of assault and wilful damage.
The court was informed that the incident occurred on June 16 of last year. Joffre Pittman was riding his motorcycle along Crow Lane, Pembroke, when White, traveling alongside him, made contact with Pittman’s handlebars.
In response, Pittman accelerated up Trimingham Hill but pulled over at the entrance to Inglewood Drive in Paget after hearing White shouting at him. White then stopped beside Pittman and struck him in the face, breaking both Pittman’s helmet visor and eyeglasses.
Seeking to evade White, Pittman rode down Middle Road, but White pursued him, continuing to yell. Pittman eventually sought refuge at the Warwick Rubis Gas Station, closely followed by White, who again assaulted him while hurling obscenities.
Although police were summoned to the scene, White left before their arrival. He later turned himself in and admitted to the assault.
White’s legal counsel described the incident as a case of road rage, asserting that Pittman had allegedly cut him off. The defense noted that White was not actively pursuing Pittman, but rather traveling in the same direction.
In court, White expressed remorse for his actions, acknowledging, “In hindsight, I should have just left him alone. Looking back on it, the circumstances did not excuse the outcome.”
Magistrate Aura Cassidy sentenced White to a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered him to continue his anger management courses through the court system. Additionally, White was instructed to pay a restitution fee of $619 for the damage caused to Pittman’s glasses.
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