Raelyn Robinson Claims Victory and wins MVP Award at New York Track & Field Meet

In a stunning showcase of skill and determinaon, Bermudian youth athlete Raelyn Robinson emerged victorious at the Speed Capital New York Track Meet held last month at the Ocean Breeze Athlec Complex in Staten Island.

Compeng against some of the best young athletes in North America, Raelyn competed in three 6U events and delivered an outstanding performance, securing the gold in a photo-finish 200-meter dash (36.95), bronze in the 60-meter dash (10.64) and gold in Long Jump (8’6” / 2.58m).

The 200-meter dash was an exhilarang race. From the start Raelyn demonstrated remarkable speed and strategy, finishing strong with a me of 36.95. In an excing display of natural ability and grit, Raelyn captured the top spot in the long jump event with an impressive debut jump of 8’6”. In addion, Raelyn was awarded the presgious 6U MAMBA MVP tle. This achievement sets the tone for an excing season ahead.

“This was my first Speed Capital race and my first me racing on an indoor track. I really liked it and I’m proud of myself,” Raelyn stated.
In preparaon for the track meet, Raelyn parcipated in iRockBDA’s Speed & Agility Sports Clinic last fall and trains with the Bermuda Pacers Track Club.

Cal Simons, Head Coach of Bermuda Pacers Track Club shared, “Raelyn Robinson has been running with the Club since September; she has made steady progress. She’s looking very good as a young athlete and we’re quite certain she is going to have a very posive track season. The Club is really proud of her performance at the Speed Capital New York event and we’re looking forward to more to come.”

Commenng on the meet, Raelyn’s mother, Chez Robinson menoned, “What makes this experience even more remarkable is that Raelyn was compeng in the long jump event for the very first me— she had just learned the technique a week prior. It’s incredible to see her rise to the occasion on such a big stage. We’re so proud of her.”

The Speed Capital New York track meet marked the beginning of Raelyn’s track season. As we
celebrate this achievement, we look forward to seeing what the future holds for this rising star.

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