A video on social media today going viral highlighting The Minister of Public Works The Honorable David Burch, JP, MP, releasing a statement concerning the Coronavirus in Bermuda.
“[The Coronavirus has been with us] for 13 months now, and everybody is tired and sickened by it; especially those of us who meet on a weekly basis to try and address what we’re facing,” he said.
Minister Burch, who himself has received both doses of the Coronavirus vaccine, believes that people have the right to choose to take the vaccine or not.
“ No one is pressuring anyone in getting the vaccine, but all of the given scientific data supports vaccines being the only reliable means of getting this island out of this pandemic,” he said.
While the Minister agrees that Bermuda is indeed another world, that world is not one in which people can make up their own facts. He finds both the criticism surrounding the Government’s response to the Coronavirus and the conspiracy theories surrounding the virus to be completely invalid.
“ While people are busy subscribing to all sorts of conspiracy theories, we need to ask ourselves and look back on our own experience and the world’s experience, where we lost more than a million people to this virus,” he said. “ I will not tolerate foolishness, conspiracy theories and people making up their own facts. Governments have to make difficult decisions, and that is what we are doing.”
Minister Burch also reminded the public that, despite having such a large majority in Government, decisions are not made easily or even unanimously very often.
“There are 13 of us in the cabinet and 30 of us in caucus, so you can imagine that no decision is going to be 100 percent in our group, because we are all individuals,” he said.
Minister Burch concluded his statement by reminding Bermudians that the pressure is hard on everyone and everyone is feeling COVID fatigue.
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