Progressive Labour Party Regarding Immigration Reform

The OBA would have you believe there is no difference between the PLP and the OBA regarding immigration reform, but nothing could be further from the truth. 

The difference between the PLP and the OBA is clear— the PLP supports residential rights for long-term residents, while the OBA supports the granting of Bermudian status to long-term residents, as laid out in Michael Fahy’s “Pathways to Status” initiative, which brought the country to a standstill in 2016.

The PLP believes in bipartisan immigration reform to support our economy, an approach the OBA rejected. With bipartisan support, the PLP implemented PRCs for long-term residents. However, unlike the OBA, we do not support Bermudian status for long-term residents, which grants unlimited property ownership rights and the right to vote.

Michael Fahy and the OBA want to fundamentally change what it means to be Bermudian. That is what he & the OBA tried to force on Bermudians in 2016, and if given the chance, they would do it again. The PLP wants to preserve Bermudian opportunities and grow our economy in a way that benefits Bermudians.

We all want a larger economy, yet we also want an economy that works for Bermudans and the people who call it home. However, the OBA’s approach is wrong for Bermuda. Take the Cayman Islands — they implemented Michael Fahy & the OBA’s style of immigration reform, and now, born Caymanians are a minority in their own country. Voters must ask themselves, is that the future you want for Bermuda?

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