PLP Party Leader, Premier Burt, remains focused on creating a fairer Bermuda for all. It matters not so much who else is running but more about what this Government has done for the residents of C18, and how the Party Leader has represented and connected with the people of Pembroke West Central for the past 13 years.
The FDM can dive into the gutter and hurl personal attacks, but the PLP knows what the FDM feel in their hearts – that if people took a look at the FDM’s policies and their burning desire to unite with the OBA, voters would reject them soundly.
The constituents of C18 will not be swayed by personal attacks, conspiracy theories, or wacky ideas with a desire to prop up the OBA. Sadly, that is all the FDM are offering.
The voters of C18 appreciate increased pensions, expanded child care, lower taxes for workers and small business owners, and the support we have implemented for first-time homeowners. While voters in C18 understand that the PLP is not perfect, they know that the PLP has been a consistent presence in and around the community for the last 4 years, and not just at election time.
The FDM has not.
C18 and Bermuda have a choice – embrace an entity that doesn’t care enough to work for you between elections, supports radical immigration policies to open the immigration floodgates, and wants to scrap rent control OR a PLP that will oppose those extreme policies and fight for a fairer Bermuda for all of us…and not just at election time.
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