Good Afternoon to the Minister, the Secretary of the Corporation, the Council of the Corporation, the Mayor who is travelling, Parliamentary colleagues assembled, Mr Soares and the team, In the Government’s 2020 platform Premier and Minister of Finance.
The Opening of the St. George’s Marina, we committed to enhancing the corporation and the community of St. George’s through development projects that would provide economic boosts for
the area to enhance community pride and honour this town’s historical roots.
One of the significant promises that we pledged to deliver was the construction of a world-class marina that would serve as a catalyst for Bermuda as a Super Yacht destination and a further step
in the economic renaissance that has been taking place in the Old Town.
I am proud to be here today to celebrate the opening of the St. George’s Marina and this further demonstration of the Government keeping its promises to the people of Bermuda and, more
specifically today, to the people and community of St. George.
This new marina capitalises on the prominent and strategic location of Ordinance Island. It will give St. George’s the unique ability to provide excellent amenities to yachting visitors and jobs beyond construction in areas such as the new lounge, in keeping with the Government’s promise to create more economic opportunities for residents.
This marina is a further step in our work to enhance Bermuda’s position as a world-class tourism destination, and it is a tangible sign of the Government’s commitment to providing much-needed
investment and economic stimulus to the St. George’s community.
I thank the Minister of Public Works, the. Hon. Lt. Col David Burch, his team at the ministry, and all stakeholders in the corporation of St. George’s and the community of St. George’s for their tireless work in seeing this project through. And I thank the people of St. George’s for their support and
patience while this new development was delivered.
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