Political Vandalism Bermuda Lets Consider Everyone’s Freedom Of Choice

The One Bermuda Alliance invites the Progressive Labour Party, the Free Democratic Movement, and all other candidates to join us in categorically condemning all political vandalism and destructive actions.

We invite them to join us in asking their members and supporters to operate in a constructive manner focused on the needs of Bermudians, and the merits of the various plans proposed by the parties and candidates.


OBA Candidate in Warwick Northeast, Douglas De Couto, installed a banner in Warwick on private property. This heavy duty banner was recently cut out of its frame and thrown on the ground, an act of vandalism that required heavy duty tools and planning ahead of time.


We in the OBA are ready and willing to engage with voters on our platform and plans (http://oba.bm), and look forward to engaging with the public on how we will address their needs and improve the lives of every Bermudians.

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