During Taaj Muhammed’s trial continuation today, members of the jury heard testimony from Police Detective-Sergeant Clifford Roberts. According to him, he was asked to review CCTV footage from the St. David’s Cricket Club from December 28 and 29, 2018, when 30-year-old Ronniko Burchall was shot in the head at point-blank range.
He was asked to review this footage on July 10, 2020. A woman who cannot be named for legal reasons reviewed some of the footage with Detective Roberts. They reviewed the footage from directly outside of the club just before and directly after Mr. Burchall was shot, from around 2:24 to 2:31 on the morning of December 29.
While watching the footage, the woman told Mr. Roberts that she was pretty certain that Mr. Muhammad fired the shots that night.
According to the witness, she had known Mr. Muhammad for many years and knew that it was him in the video based on the way the shooter was built (trim and lean) and by the way that he ran away from the scene (with a slight skip in his step). Despite her certainty, she was unable to see his facial features in the video.
Yesterday, jurors heard testimony from a witness who was hired to work as security on the night in question, when St. David’s Cricket Club was having their annual Christmas party. This witness also cannot be named.
According to him, he was speaking with another security guard on the club’s balcony when he heard the first shot go off. He initially thought the first shot was a firecracker.
He then darted into the club and did not come out until he felt safe. He then noticed Mr. Burchall lying on the ground, motionless. He said that he noticed the gunman, whom he said was wearing a gray sweatsuit, flee from the club on foot while he was inside the club.
The trial will continue tomorrow at 9:30 am.
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