Police will be extremely active over the Easter Weekend

The upcoming Good Friday Holiday and the Easter Weekend will see a number of events and festive activities at various locations across the Island. The Bermuda Police Service takes this opportunity to advise the public on a number of matters to ensure a peaceful and safe time during this period.

During the holiday weekend the public will notice a visible police presence as patrols attend the various community events throughout the Island with a view to deterring anti-social behaviour.

Martin Weekes, Assistant Commissioner of Police said: “We apologise in advance and seek the patience of members of the public who may feel the effects of our pro-active policing initiatives which can be expected throughout the weekend as we focus our attention on deterring and arresting those persons who are intent on disrupting the holiday festivities with acts of violence and criminality.”

“During this period, we expect to see a large number of kites flying as part of Bermuda’s Easter traditions and we urge the public to be considerate of your neighbours when flying your kites. Please take note of the safety advice issued by BELCO as well as the advisory notices published by the Airport authorities in regards to kites being flown near the airport or on the airport approaches.”

The BPS usually gets a high number of noise complaints during this period, and we ask that you work together with your neighbours to prevent any disputes and resolve any issues with minimal Police interference.

The BPS will be continuing to enforce traffic offences under Operation VEGA offences such as the use of cellphones whilst driving, impaired driving and speeding will again be targeted this weekend. Roadside Sobreity Checkpoints will also be in place over the long weekend and so we urge the public that if you’re going to drink, make sure that you have a designated driver. Do not drink and drive.

Work with us to make it a safe holiday weekend.

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