PLP Responds to Latest OBA Release on CARICOM

Instead of offering positive ideas to build a fairer Bermuda for us, the OBA is trying to scare and
divide Bermudians with racist dog whistles.
We’ve seen this show before. In 1998, the UBP tried to scare you into believing that black
Bermudians were not ready to govern and now they’re trying to scare you that the PLP would
strengthen relations with countries that have black majorities.

The PLP is committed to ensuring that any decision regarding CARICOM membership will not proceed without comprehensive consultation with Bermudians after further information is received from CARICOM.

Instead of being distracted by the OBA’s fearmongering, the PLP is focused on building a fairer Bermuda for Bermudians. We’ve done this by introducing the minimum wage, lowering taxes for 86% of Bermudians, increasing the childcare allowance, increasing pensions for seniors and investing record amounts in affordable housing.

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