PLP Invites Community to Central Family Reunion & Rally for Saturday

The Progressive Labour Party cordially invites you and your family to our Central Family Reunion this Saturday, February 8th from 6 pm to 8 pm at the Berkeley Institute.

The Family Reunion will feature speeches from our central candidates and hear more about the PLP’s 2025 platform. Enjoy entertainment, vendors, music and more!

Family, it’s time to come together. You know what we’ve done to build a fairer Bermuda – the lower taxes for working and middle class families, increased pensions, increased childcare, more affordable housing and a minimum wage. 

This Saturday, hear from our candidates about the future and our vision to build on what we’ve done and our achievable vision for a fairer future for all of us. 

So, this Saturday, it’s time to come together as a family, reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going. Join us this Saturday, February 8th from 6 pm to 8 pm at the Berkeley Institute.

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