PLP Headquarters on Leadership Election

There have been several recent articles in local media that have been providing inaccurate and misleading information to the public of Bermuda with respect to The Bermuda Progressive Labour Party’s (“PLP” or the “Party”) internal elections.


It is important to us to provide clarity on this matter. Every four (4) years, the positions of Party Leader and Deputy Party Leader are open for election. The remaining Party executive positions become open every two (2) years. Any one of the MP’s currently serving in the House of Assembly are able to submit their names for election as Party Leader or Deputy Party Leader.


These positions are voted on at the PLP Annual General Conference (popularly referred to as the Delegates Conference). The Conference for this year is being held from October 19 – October 22.


The PLP Constitution is the governing document of the Party, and any amendment must be ratified by a two-thirds (2⁄3) vote at an Annual General Conference or a Special General Conference before being implemented.
The Party’s Constitution is available on our website for download, and we welcome interested persons to access it.


To access, please click this link:
No one, including the Party Leader, has the unilateral ability to change the Party’s constitution or any other rules of the Party. Any reports or sources citing this are inaccurate, misleading, and unfortunately, are deemed mischievous.
To be clear, there have been no amendments to the PLP Constitution regarding leadership elections for the upcoming Conference. Eligible candidates for the positions to be voted must submit their names and fulfill any requirements by September 28, 2022 as per the Party’s Constitution.


The Bermuda Progressive Labour Party regards these elections as internal party matters. In this respect, no further comment is planned until after September 28, 2022 when the names of any PLP MPs who contest for the offices of Leader and Deputy Leader will be shared with the country.

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