Over the last 7 days, PLP candidates have registered many voters, especially young voters, throughout Bermuda. The PLP held voter registration drives at:
• Bermuda College – organised by Progressive Minds
• The Berkeley Institute
• CedarBridge Academy
• Harrington Workmen’s Club
• Allen Temple AME Church
• Elliot Primary School (for Devonshire)
Premier David Burt – “I am incredibly proud of our candidates and the dedicated team that has been working tirelessly to engage with and help to register voters across Bermuda. Over the past week, we’ve seen firsthand how our message is resonating—especially with young voters who recognise and appreciate the work this PLP Government has done.
From expanding scholarships and apprenticeships to implementing a minimum wage, creating jobs in tourism and construction, and making record investments in youth programmes and mental health services, we are building a fairer Bermuda for them and all
Over the next 33 Days the PLP will take the message to the people. We have an amazing team of candidates with a mix of experience and youth, delivery on pensions, expanding & increasing childcare, implementing Bermuda’s first minimum wage, record investments in affordable housing, and reducing taxes
for workers to lowest level in history. We are building a fairer Bermuda.
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