The Pembroke Parish Council hopes to spread the Christmas cheer to the Pembroke community a little wider, and a little earlier this year, by providing Christmas vouchers to those in need.
Council Chair, Patricka Ferguson said the Council will be providing 40 grocery and BELCO vouchers to persons in need on a first come, first served basis, and urged people to apply for the giveaway as soon as possible.
“This has been another difficult and challenging year for families, in particular,” she said. “This is the fourth installation of the provision of grocery and utility vouchers for the Pembroke community. We’ve helped seniors, the unemployed, single parents, and families.
We understand how this prolonged climate of challenge and stress is impacting the community, and we want to help.”
Pembroke residents must prove their residency, e.g. via a utility bill for the most recent 2 months, and attach a photo ID, by Friday, November 19 at 5 p.m.
Applications for the vouchers are available at
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