Peaceful Public Demonstration Call For By The Concern Citizens of Bermuda:

Greetings Hon Premier of Bermuda, Ministers of Government and Members of Parliament, Senators, Back Benchers, Members of The Opposition:

We The Concern Citizens of Bermuda are a cross section of persons that  have joined together with great concerns for our Island home and the present climate and condition of where we find ourselves.

We have taken a unanimous  vote and have concluded that The Concern Citizens of Bermuda must stand on the principles of equality of all Citizens and Hereby give Seven (7) Days Notice that we will be joining with all concerned citizens of Bermuda, on Tuesday June 29th at 11:30 am in a Solemn Assembly for a peaceful demonstration.

At which time we would appreciate it if you can kindly be available to receive documentation from us, with a list of concerns and recommendations that we would like for the government to consider. We know that you are very well aware of the uncomfortable climate that Bermuda and it’s residents have had to deal with for some time now, along with the recent implementation of the latest restrictions on the 14 day quarantine for all un-vaccinated travelers and the roll out of vaccines now being made readily available for our young population.

We have included within this communication, all members of Parliament and the members of the opposition, it would be the utmost respect if all available leaders would be present as this is a serious situation facing the entire population of our Island home and the unrest is seemingly growing at a rapid rate and a resolution in how to bridge the divide must be sought. We hope that both the government and the opposition can help to bring about change that is so desperately needed in this hour.

We are asking as Cabinet meets on Tuesday 29th of June 2021, that you would be available to receive us The Concerned Citizens of Bermuda on The Grounds of The Cabinet Building at 11:30 A.M , We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your consideration of these matters.
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