Passenger and Driver Spar Over Monthly Pass

Due to last month’s stay-at-home order, the government has allowed people to use their April monthly public transportation pass during the month of May.

Bearing this in mind, a woman who wishes to remain anonymous got on a bus in Warwick and showed the driver her April pass, but was told that she had the wrong pass.

“ I reminded the driver that the government said that people could use April’s pass this month,” she said. “The driver still told me that I could not use the pass and that they were just doing their job.”

As the lady was getting off the bus at her stop, the driver told her that, with her attitude, they will ensure that she will never get on their bus again.

“ I felt that the driver was wrong for telling me that, they cannot tell me I cannot get on the bus when I was in the right [in this scenario],” she said. “As a driver, how could they not know that passengers are still allowed to use April’s pass?”

Even though she could not get the name of the driver, she called the bus terminal later and reported the incident.

TNN then spoke with the Minister of Transportation the Honorable Lawrence Scott, who also confirmed that April passes can indeed be used during the month of May.

“ Due to April’s stay-at-home order, [the Ministry and the government] thought that it was only fair for those who have invested in a monthly pass, or a pass of any type, that it would be honored for the month of May,” Minister Scott said. “That is what we did last year, we are just reintroducing that same courtesy for passengers.”

According to the Minister’s understanding of the current policy, the only way that bus operators can legally expel a paying passenger from their bus is if they cause a threat to the operator’s safety or life.

Anyone who experiences an issue with public transportation service is encouraged to call the Department of Public Transportation at 292-3851 and voice their concerns to department director Roger Todd.
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