The film provides a glimpse into the lives of the injured, and how their lives have drastically changed.
Over 100 doctors, politicians, hospital staff and public health officials were invited to attend the premiere screening of a documentary about the lives of people who have suffered a wide
range of adverse effects since taking the COVID jab. In many cases those affected found themselves outcast from several aspects of society without empathy and censored when they attempted to discuss
their stories. The film, titled Anecdotals, is a personal journey for filmmaker, Jennifer Sharp, who considers herself one of the lucky ones after living through more than 18-months of health
complications after receiving her first Pfizer shot.
Event producer Eugene Dean said, “We hand delivered nearly 100 invitations to government officials and doctors from Somerset to St. Georges over a two day period to ensure that members of our
government and the medical community were given an opportunity to learn first hand about the complications people are experiencing and participate in a discussion with the filmmaker and members of the cast immediately after the screening tonight. In addition to hand delivering invitations, we also
emailed invitations to doctors we were unable to access in person. Several government ministers, backbenchers and members of the opposition were invited via email as well.”
When asked what the focus of the event was and why so much effort was put into sending invitations to doctors and our local leaders Mr. Dean said,”While there is still a lot for us all to come to terms with as it relates to our handling of the pandemic in Bermuda, we recognize the grief experienced by so many in our community who have suffered harm or experienced loss.
Therefore, the focus of our event tonight is to understand what those impacted are going through, acknowledge that they exist, and find the best possible ways to assist. With that in mind the more people we have in attendance with the capacity to understand their plight and develop effective solutions, the faster we can make inroads into achieving our goal of helping those in need.”
Anecdotals will premiere in Bermuda tonight at 7pm on in Speciality Cinema. General Admission is $25 and Patron Tickets are $50. Ticket sales have gone extremely well and as a result the organizers are expecting a full theater.
Remaining tickets can be purchased at the Speciality Cinema Box Office or by
visiting There will be an opening reception for patrons and invited guests at 6pm to mingle and enjoy light refreshments. Then after the documentary, the Q&A Session, scheduled to start at 8:30pm, will be
streamed LIVE and made available publicly at
For those unable to attend the premiere screening of Anecdotals, a second screening has been scheduled
at Speciality Cinema for 7pm next Monday, April 17th. Tickets are currently available for that screening
at as well.
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