Osagi Bascome murder trial set to go to Jury

The murder trial involving the alleged stabbing death of former Bermuda international footballer, Osagi Bascome, has reached its zenith, with the case set to be placed in the hands of the jury on Monday.

Raheem Wray is accused of murdering Bascome during a physical altercation in the early hours of December 18, 2021 outside of Fun Zone in St David’s.

Despite their having been said to have been more than 80 patrons attending the establishment, all of whom having had per Covid rules in place at the time to submit personal contact information prior to entry, just one had taken the witness stand to identify Wray as the alleged killer.

And even as the witness, a friend of the victim, identified Wray it was further promoted that he had been paid $10,000 to offer a police statement.

Wray’s lawyer, King’s Counsel Jerome Lynch assailed the prosecution’s case as lacking any definitive forensic evidence, while also decrying the police investigation as poorly constructed.
The Crown, led by Department of Public Prosecutions Director Cindy Clarke, during the case, described Wray as a dishonest person with a criminal history containing instances of dishonest and violent acts.

Assistant Justice Mark Pettingill, who offered final instructions last Friday is expected to turn matters over to the jury as early as Monday morning.

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