OBA Leader Jarion Richardson slams Government on Caricom can’t help Bermuda

This Government continues to force Bermudians to live in complete obedience with no room for listening and compromise.
Joining an international body which incurs fees during a time of unprecedented cost-of-living increases, is to put the cart before the horse. Beyond a general feel-good, this Government doesn’t seem to know why it is even joining Caricom. All we know, is that it will cost money.
The Government’s feel-good sales pitch conveniently neglects that the benefits it has mentioned we already receive from Caricom. By expanding our role, while major issues continue to fester in Bermuda, is evidence of a secret the public is not being let in on.
Will Caricom give homes to our 800 homeless? No. Will Caricom fix our $125 million interest payment on $3.5 billion in debt? No. Will Caricom reduce the cost of food, housing or energy? No. Will Caricom reduce the violent crime snatching lives from our community? No. Will Caricom keep our desperate charities, like Teen Haven and Salvation Army, open? No. Will Caricom staff our beaches so that people stop drowning? No. Will Caricom clear up the cozy relationship between vendors and this Government? No.

In fact, what, if anything, will Caricom do to improve life in Bermuda? At this point, no one knows the answer to that question – lest of all this Government. The Government should spend time on what’s happening in our borders, before it jets off to yet another adventure funded by the taxpayer.

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