The dog attacks in this country are out of hand. I’ve been working with residents in one area for months regarding an attack that left a man severely injured. There’s to date been no enforcement action against the dog’s owner.
The enforcement process is clearly a bureaucratic mess. Between the police officers, who have a dozen other criminal offences to attend to daily, and the dog warden, who seem to be unable to proceed to enforcement, it’s slow, chaotic and a case of people pointing their fingers at each other.
It can take months or years for these matters to reach the Director of Public Prosecutions. And it’s still within the remit of the DPP to simply not take the matter to court.
The worst part is that the victims have to relive these dog attacks. They still have to travel in the areas where they were attacked. Neighbourhoods are locked in a state of fear.
How many more people are going to be wounded and hospitalized before we reform this area of law? Will it be the death of a small child that spurs this Government into action? If this Government cares about people, then it has to care about victims first.
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