Not guilty!
That’s the verdict returned by the jury in the trial of Raheem Wray, who was charged with the murder of Osagi Bascome, a prominent national footballer. Defence Counsel Jerome Lynch, KC, described the police investigation into the murder of Mr. Bascome, as “woeful”. An investigation which he argued led to an innocent man being charged with murder.
Mr. Lynch was critical of the police for not collecting any forensic evidence during their investigation. Police he said failed to locate the car in which his client was driven away from the scene of the stabbing which claimed the life of Mr. Bascome.
The court heard how that car was driven by one Jahnazae Swan, whom Mr. Lynch contended was “probably the real culprit”. That vehicle, he maintained, would probably have yielded forensic evidence which may have impacted the investigation.
Mr. Lynch further castigated police for failing to recover the clothing worn by Jahnaze Swann nor did they recover his bed linen which was supposedly taken to be laundered they day before investigators visited Mr. Swan’s residence three days before.
“Imagine if you had got clothes and there was blood on them. That would change the whole complexion of this case. But there were no forensics because they didn’t look for them. Charges are only laid once a thorough investigation has taken place, and this investigation was particularly flawed. That should not be held against Mr Wray.The evidence is that Naz was the culprit. This woeful investigation is disappointing in the extreme,” said Mr. Lynch.
The King’s Counsel did however concede the police investigation may have been hampered almost none of the more than eighty people contacted as part of the investigation, being unwilling to assist by providing information about what happened on the fateful morning of December 18th, 2021.
Meanwhile, representing the Crown in this matter, Cindy Clarke the Director of Public Prosecutions expressed that despite the absence of forensic evidence, the Crown’s case was rock solid.
She reminded the jury that two witnesses identified Raheem Wray as having been at the scene. More importantly, she continued, another witness testified to having seen Mr. Wray whom she described as a dishonest man because of previous convictions, stab Mr. Bascome.
Mr. Wray maintained his innocence and stressed that while he did not stab Osagi Bascome, he did not know who did.
During the trial it was alleged that one witness was paid ten thousand dollars to testify. That witness admitted to making the claim but later said it was a made up story to justify why they gave evidnce and that they had not in fact received any financial benefit for their testimony.
Then the day before the trial was moved to the Dame Lois Brown Evans Court Bulding, Mr. Wray was attacked by two men as he left the court, in full view of several people. His lawyers were allegedly struck during the assault which was said to have been the work of a relative along with a friend of Mr. Bascome.
When asked about this a spokesperson for the Bermuda Police Service told TNN: “Shortly before 2:30 p.m., on Wednesday, January 17th, 2024, police officers on duty at an ongoing trial were alerted to a disturbance outside the Supreme Court, House of Assembly building, at the corner of Court and Church Street in the City of Hamilton.
Information received indicated two men allegedly assaulted the accused in that trial as he exited the court.
Officers immediately responded and called for assistance, however the subjects managed to flee the scene before the arrival of additional officers.
The Bermuda Police Service immediately began an investigation into this confirmed incident and subsequently arrested two suspects.
Following consultation with the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, both suspects were subsequently released on bail, pending further investigations.”
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