Amendments to the Quarantine (COVID-19) (No. 3) Order 2020 go into effect on December 13th, 2021. These changes seek to streamline border protocols to balance easing travel to the island with safety at the border. The three changes apply to all immunised travellers to Bermuda. There are no changes to travel requirements for unvaccinated travellers.
First, visitors aged 12 years or older must be fully immunised to land in Bermuda, whether arriving by air or by sea. With the wide availability of vaccines in our major visitor markets and the ongoing waves of the coronavirus, this is a precautionary measure that has been implemented in many jurisdictions. Unimmunised children 11 years or younger intending to visit may travel to Bermuda either unaccompanied or with a vaccinated parent or guardian. Those visiting children will follow the protocols set out in the “Children’s First 14 Days”. There are exceptions for visiting crew members, and those exceptions are unchanged.
Second, any resident flying off the island for three days or less can use their pre-departure test obtained in Bermuda as an arrival test upon return. When applying for the travel authorisation, the traveller can upload their outbound test instead of a new pre-arrival test. All travellers will be PCR tested on return to the island.
Finally, travellers who require an expedited test result on arrival at the airport can pay an additional $100 fee when applying for the Bermuda travel authorization. Travelers who pay this additional fee will have their test results prioritized.
Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, JP, MP, advised, “Anyone travelling to Bermuda should review the entry requirements. Travellers leaving Bermuda should carefully review inbound travel guidance of their destination as many countries have recently changed their entry testing requirements. Bermuda’s COVID travel information can be found on”
“Each of us has a role to play in stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Follow Public Health guidelines, wear a mask indoors, practice good hand hygiene, maintain physical distance and download the WeHealth Bermuda app.”————————————————————————————————Any content which is considered unsuitable, unlawful, or offensive, includes personal details, advertises or promotes products, services or websites, or repeats previous comments will be removed.
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